Do you own more than one vehicle? Your auto insurance coverage terms outline how much protection you have. Review these coverage essentials and update your insurance policy as you see fit.
Your Current Policy
Review your automotive insurance policy. The overview will give you an idea of the coverage terms you are supplied with. The policy will outline your responsibilities, including what to do if you need to file an insurance claim.
One main reason for reviewing the coverage terms is that you will be able to see if there are any gaps in your coverage. Having adequate insurance coverage is important. It protects you legally, plus reduces the amount of out-of-pocket costs that you would face if you were involved in an automobile accident.
Updated Automotive Insurance Information
An insurance policy that covers multiple vehicles will need to be updated occasionally. It is wise to review your automotive policy whenever you buy or sell a car. Your policy should address each vehicle listed separately.
Your vehicles may have varying levels of coverage. The coverage types you select should match each vehicle’s value and driving style.
Automotive Accessories
Determine which automotive accessories need to be insured. Things like tow-bars, trailers, stereo systems, and security devices may be valuable. If you rely upon using the accessories, you can list them on your automotive insurance policy. After reviewing your own accessories, decide which ones to add to your insurance plan.
Contact an Insurance Agent Who Serves Griswold, CT
Contact one of our agents at Trahan Insurance Agency LLC. An agent can advise you and answer questions about your personal automotive insurance policy.